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(574) 214-7125
Elkhart, IN 46514
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Facts
There are 2 types of diatomaceous earth, saltwater and freshwater. This is why it is very important that when using on animals or around livestock that you choose the freshwater, food grade D/Earth (Diatomaceous Earth).
Freshwater diatomaceous earth is amorphous silica. Saltwater diatomaceous earth, the type used in pool filters, is crystalline silica. Pool filter diatomaceous earth is amorphous silica that has been heat treated forming large lump crystalline silica that makes for better filtering.
It simply won’t be effective and is dangerous because of the many harmful side effects. A truly safe and effective organic pesticide D/Earth (Diatomaceous Earth) is fossilized remains of microscopic shells created by one celled organisms of algae like plants called Diatoms. D/Earth (Diatomaceous Earth) has many protective uses, from use on household pets to spraying field crops, to stored grain, livestock or pet feed. Freshwater, food grade D/Earth (Diatomaceous Earth) can be used for internal parasites by placing in daily feed ration or external parasites when used as a natural topical dusting powder.
Completely harmless to all animals, fish, birds, and the environment, it can be sprinkled on the animal, the bedding or around the kennel. About the only negative to D/Earth (Diatomaceous Earth) is when used outside it must be reapplied after a rain. D/Earth (Diatomaceous Earth) makes an extremely uncomfortable environment for any insect or arthropod that it comes in contact with. Unlike persistent chemicals pesticides that can be harmful to your pet and the environment, D/Earth (Diatomaceous Earth) is an ORGANIC mechanical pesticide that treats infestation without harmful side effects. D/Earth (Diatomaceous Earth) is truly a safe ingredient; bugs cannot become immune to D/Earth (Diatomaceous Earth) because it kills them by PHYSICAL not chemical action.
Special processed milling makes D/Earth (Diatomaceous Earth) into a product graded for particle size which is most effective for killing insects. This process makes it easier and less dusty to use. As the insect comes in contact with the powder, static electricity causes an attraction to the body. Once the powder attaches itself to the insect, the sharp edges of the particles cut through the waxy outer layer of the exoskeleton of the insect and absorb the body fluids therefore killing the parasite. It takes a day or two for the process to take place but the end results is most effective, death by dehydration.
D/Earth (Diatomaceous Earth) is both a short and long-term non-toxic, effective, safe, organic pesticide. D/Earth (Diatomaceous Earth) has a remarkable repellency factor. As long as it is present, insects tend to stay away, making a serious infestation almost impossible. Also the more D/Earth (Diatomaceous Earth) is used, the more an environment is created to repel insects. If you use D/Earth (Diatomaceous Earth) on a regular basis your animal both internally and externally will have less and less problems with all types of troublesome parasites.
Colony Cat or Pet dosage
Pets: Our best friends come in all shapes and sizes. Protect them with Diatomaceous Earth. When lightly rubbed into their coats or dusted on their premises, it is very effective against fleas, ticks, lice, and other pests on pet dogs, cats, and birds. It can also be used as an organic wormer and will kill any worms or parasites the pets may have. When using as a de-wormer, mix the Diatomaceous Earth into their food as follows:
ECFCC cares about the over-all physical needs of the animals we serve. As important as spaying and neutering is, we reach beyond that to encompass all of their basic needs in order to ensure a good quality of life.
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